
What are sensitive skin issues?

Carla Hellemond

Sensitive skin is a common phrase used to describe a variety of skin related issues.  Research shows 50% of women and 40 % of men have a sensitive skin issue.  Common sensitive skin symptoms include stinging, burning, redness, dry or cracked skin, and tightness of the skin. Most often, sensitivity complaints are related to the face (eyelids are very sensitive), but the groin and armpits can also be sensitive due to the thinner skin layer.

Types of sensitive skin

Some common types of sensitive skin are (but not limited to):

What causes sensitive Skin?

External and internal elements impact the way your skin looks and feels. In order to effectively asses your sensitive skin issues, here are some contributing factors:

  • Hormones
  • Skin disorders
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Smoking
  • Medications or Prescriptions
  • Diet
  • Skin-Care Routine
  • Stress
  • Exposure to the sun
  • Pollution and climate

What can I do about sensitive skin?

Take some comfort in knowing that paying close attention to what you put in and on your body can make dramatic impact on reducing sensitive skin issues. More often than not, products used to manage sensitive skin may be contributing to the problem. Make sure to read the ingredient list. If there isn’t an ingredient list on the label, maybe you should think twice about applying unknown potentially dangerous chemicals to the largest organ of your body.

Many skin care products contain harmful ingredients:

  • Alcohol and/or Menthol
  • Thick Emollients and Pore-Clogging Waxes
  • Abrasive Scrubbing Agents
  • Harsh/Drying Cleansing Agents
  • Irritants

Generally, try to use products that have fewer ingredients, and ones that are recognizable as natural as part of your sensitive skin therapy. Discard old products, any truly natural product will have only a reasonable shelf life. If possible buy products in smaller quantities. When trying new products, always test on a small area (the back of the ear for example) for a few days to see if any irritation occurs, before applying to larger surfaces of the body.

Common sense also applies to combating sensitive skin:

  • Try to minimize exposure to the sun
  • Use non pore clogging products, such as emu oil, to help moisturize the skin
  • Apply moisturizing products quickly after showering to maximize effectiveness
  • Use products with safe naturally occurring ingredients

In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle coupled with natural products will promote healthy rejuvenated skin! 

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